Meet the Griots: Quinn Murphy, Editor

Quinn Murphy's (founder of Thoughtcrime Games) journey with RPGs started when he "inherited" his brother's copy of Chainmail at the age of 11. He started running games for his friends and hasn't stopped for over thirty years. He's always been writing and designing games, and started doing it professionally in 2009. He's written for a wide range of products and companies, including (but not limited to): Paizo (Pathfinder, Starfinder), WotC (Dragon Magazine), Kobold Press(Lost City, Kobold Quarterly), Magpie Games (Our Last Best Hope), Onyx Path Publishing (Trinity Continuum: Aeon), Simon & Schuster (The Ultimate Micro-RPG Book). He loves TTRPGs of all shapes and sizes and loves the thrill of finding the perfect form-factor to express a setting or idea. He believes that Imagination is for Everyone.

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